What is Love?
Such a seemingly simple question, with Pandora’s box full of answers that are all vastly different, yet simultaneously true. I want you to ask yourself what is 'love' at it's core? What does it feel like? Is love limited to romance for you? Or do you love freely? We seem to get so caught up in the physical realm, that we forget love is the one thing that transcends the 3D.
We go about our human experiences from birth, knowing love first to be a collection of what our parents and guardians mirrored to us and then; in front of us. Which then sets our conditioning on what love should look and feel like to our nervous system, “the familiar". The birthplace of our own perpetual cycle that no matter what, we have a hard time meeting face to face, each time it’s reflected back to us. And for most, familiar has a balance of both light and darkness displayed. We are introduced this mindset subconsciously with family and then it bleeds onto how we show up in all of our connections and how we give and receive love.
As we grow up, we witness all around us what others conjure up out of egoic attachments and wounding and place its blame on love. Whether it is in films, social media, strangers, close connections or venting. We never have the chance of forming our own opinion on love without these preconceived projections from another slapped on.
From generational trauma and inner child wounds screaming to be validated in adult years, but searching for it everywhere other than the self. We confuse these self-made cycles for love’s ups and downs because our egos and mass conditioning tell us “nothing good comes easy” and “love hurts” as if love should ever leave you bloody-knuckled, gasping for your breath from fighting to prove your worthiness of her.
Then, if you’re lucky enough to have your rose colored glasses shattered it leads you to a point in your journey where you look back to reflect, and your past looks a lot like a cemetery of “same devil, different bodies.” And this happens until we stop to ask the real question that is often the beginning of our true healing…At what point did Love show herself as Pain? And the two danced so in sync your tired eyes couldn’t make out the difference? The frequency, lost in translation.
And that doesn’t mean what you experienced wasn’t love for what you knew or any less meaningful, if anything it was the grandest yet. The catalyst, awakening you into the beautiful spiritual purity of true Love, the internal reset on all you once knew and alchemizing all pains from the past. Because you broke the shackles that tethered pain to love out of sheer codependency that one could not exist without the other.
Understanding the heart has a wisdom the ego will never comprehend, so to tune in we switch from mind to heart. Only through Love can such deep seeded wounds and the most persistent cycles be dissolved as if it never had a hold on you, truly. All we remember is the love that was present to us. As if each connection and interaction had a part to play unlocking this divine being.
What if I told you recognizing your cycles’ core takes your power back and breaks open the door to higher consciousness? Love is the direct connection to the divine for us as humans. And how we can show another soul how precious the divine is by offering unconditional love for another. Not with intent to receive something in return, but because we ARE Love.
Once I went through my first dark night of the soul, I met Love. She whispered “Welcome home.”
I hope you know that if you are going through a dark night of the soul, you always have a safe place to land when you are at Ethos; in my chair whether it be for your hair, reiki, or tarot.